Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Efforts on to increase momordicin content in bitter gourd to make it more diabetic friendly

Syed Akbar

Hyderabad:  The humble karela or Indian bitter gourd is now the centre of world research as scientists rack their brains to find out the ideal variety that could beat diabetes.

International teams from India, Tanzania and Thailand are busy unraveling the chemical mystery of the Indian bitter gourd to find out whether grandma was right in her belief that karela fights diabetes. The karela has since lost much of its anti-diabetes properties thanks to commercial hybrids, which have brought down the bitterness and pungency of the vegetable.
The present search is for the ideal karela 
that was part of the grandma’s original Indian recipe.

As many as 10 hybrids of the Indian bitter gourd are being studied for their germplasm and chemical constituents particularly momordicin in Hyderabad, Bangkok, and Arusha in Tanzania. The higher the content of momordicin, the higher is the anti-diabetes effect.  Hyderabad has been selected for the project bitter gourd as it has emerged as the diabetes capital of the country. India has the highest rate of
diabetes in the world. The teams are also finding out whether the anti-diabetes compounds present in bitter gourd could be increased to make it more effective against the silent killer-disease. They will
suggest bitter gourd recipes that will keep the momordicin content in tact. At the end of the study, an ideal bitter gourd variety will be identified for recommendation to diabetics.

The research gains significance as no two bitter gourd varieties have the same chemical constitution and anti-diabetes properties. Different bitter gourd varieties have different levels of bioactive compounds. Identifying the proper bitter gourd is important to keep diabetes away. 

Along with the Indian hybrids, 10 hybrids from Thailand are also included in the Project Bitter gourd sponsored by the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre (AVRDC).

“We are screening germplasm and commercial lines to identify and select suitable parents for our breeding program. We will be selecting varieties high in antidiabetic compounds as well as those with good horticultural traits,” a senior scientist associated with the project told this correspondent.

Studies so far with animals and humans suggest bitter gourd (whole fruit, juice, or extract) has a role in diets for glycemic (sugar) control of diabetes. “There is a need for well-designed research to assess germplasm diversity to optimise the content of anti-diabetic compounds in bitter gourd,” said Dr Dyno Keatinge, director-general,
AVRDC. He was in the city visiting the project bitter gourd centre at Patancheru.


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